Just turned in my Performance Self Evaluation

Kinja'd!!! "HammerheadFistpunch" (hammerheadfistpunch)
01/14/2019 at 14:51 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!3 Kinja'd!!! 19

I sent this along to my supervisor. Even if you didn’t do as well or as much as you wanted, you gotta have that confidence. I still feel like I did well enough to get the full raise. I better damn well.

Have this 40 series in proper “as used and loved” condition



Kinja'd!!! Future next gen S2000 owner > HammerheadFistpunch
01/14/2019 at 15:01


I once wrote my own official performance review, I was amazing. Scored perfect across all categories. My boss didn’t get it. I told him  if I’m grading myself, why would I give myself anything less than a perfect score. They never asked me to write my own self-evaluation again. Win-win.

Kinja'd!!! beautimouse > HammerheadFistpunch
01/14/2019 at 15:02


“I’m merely godlike and bitchen. Pay me”

Kinja'd!!! Highlander-Datsuns are Forever > HammerheadFistpunch
01/14/2019 at 15:02


2% cost of living adjustment here I come!!!

Kinja'd!!! Chariotoflove > HammerheadFistpunch
01/14/2019 at 15:02


Mine’s due next week. I hate how much time it takes to fill out all the paperwork.  Blech.

Kinja'd!!! Tripper > HammerheadFistpunch
01/14/2019 at 15:05


My company started self evals last year. W e turn them in, then we get a sit down. This year I got my raise and still haven’t had a sit down, guess I should keep my mouth shut.

Kinja'd!!! HammerheadFistpunch > Future next gen S2000 owner
01/14/2019 at 15:07



Kinja'd!!! farscythe - makin da cawfee! > HammerheadFistpunch
01/14/2019 at 15:07


performance self evaluation?


*hands note to supervisor* da fuq do i need to self evaluate for? you’ve been supervising havent you?

Kinja'd!!! TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts. > HammerheadFistpunch
01/14/2019 at 15:12


Handed mine in, got a few documents I’m required to sign to continue working there. Needless to say I’m at the point where I don’t care about what my review comes back with, I’ve got one foot out the door already.

Kinja'd!!! TheRealBicycleBuck > HammerheadFistpunch
01/14/2019 at 15:13


Evaluations in our company are getting ridiculously complicated. There’s your goals , how you think you did on your goals, how your boss thinks you did on your goals, and how your peers think you did on your goals. Then you have to have a sit-down meeting with your boss to discussion what everyone wrote. Never mind that your performance goals may have been waylaid by getting assigned to a project in another state and the project has nothing to do with any of your stated goals.

Then you have to create new goals and have a meeting with your boss to discuss your new goals and plan activities to make sure you will achieve your goals....

Kinja'd!!! E92M3 > Future next gen S2000 owner
01/14/2019 at 15:38


I loathed the annual performance r eview process. Here document why you should get a raise, but don’t be surprised when it’s .5% higher than your coworkers who do the bare minimum required to not be f ired.

Took me a few years to realize I was doing twice the w ork as everyone else for a mere $40 more per month than I would of got for being a slacker.

Kinja'd!!! Kiltedpadre > HammerheadFistpunch
01/14/2019 at 16:00


My review this year was extra strange. I started with a new company. Well, this is a new location for the company and no one here had been with the company for past performance reviews.

My boss started after me, and I’m the only one in my department that’s been with the company long enough for a review.

He and I were joking that he should submit it saying something about listing me  as being the greatest employee he’s reviewing this year and that means I should get all the raise money allocated for the department.

Kinja'd!!! HammerheadFistpunch > farscythe - makin da cawfee!
01/14/2019 at 16:04



Kinja'd!!! RallyDarkstrike - Fan of 2-cyl FIATs, Eastern Bloc & Kei cars > HammerheadFistpunch
01/14/2019 at 17:19


Came here for the IT Crowd meme. I miss that show....

Good luck with the raise! :D

Kinja'd!!! Mid Engine > HammerheadFistpunch
01/14/2019 at 18:18


I’ll give a fuck when they tie pay raises to reviews, the only advantage is when there’s a lay off and the folks graded lowest go first. Color me jaded, I produce output for them, they pay me.. I don’t love my boss or co mp any.

Kinja'd!!! ITA97, now with more Jag @ opposite-lock.com > HammerheadFistpunch
01/14/2019 at 20:04


I’ve always refused to do self evaluations on the grounds they’re useless and I have better things to do. They never asked me after the first year at the university , and I never made anyone I supervised do them (back when I supervised folks, now I’ve happily moved into a position where I supervise no one). I suppose one of the perks of government employment is the ability to say no from time to time. 

Kinja'd!!! HammerheadFistpunch > ITA97, now with more Jag @ opposite-lock.com
01/14/2019 at 20:12


wishi had the option - no review process? automatic no raise.

Kinja'd!!! ITA97, now with more Jag @ opposite-lock.com > HammerheadFistpunch
01/14/2019 at 20:25


There’s still a review process, I just don’t do the self evaluation part of it. Come to think of it, I don’t think anyone in our department does. We all thought it was a load of crap.

O ne of the downsides of government employment is there usually aren’t raises tied directly to things like performance. There are raises that come with seniority and longevity (and of course raises that come with promotions to higher level positions), but generally raises are a function of the legislature and annual state budget process.    

Kinja'd!!! Arrivederci > E92M3
01/15/2019 at 12:54


That’s always the biggest pisser.  Raises here are such shit that it really doesn’t even matter if you get anything for merit.

Kinja'd!!! VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely > HammerheadFistpunch
01/15/2019 at 13:31


I’ve been having to do these for years regardless of whether or not I get a raise (I typically do, usually cost of living * perf rating% ) - I had no idea that other people didn’t have it, which is mind blowing to me in a different way.

Upper management has no idea what you do and middle management have the worst memory retention requests vs memory capacity I’ve ever seen, so you have to go remind them that you deserve money, which is bass-ackwards in my book, but it’s so ubiquitous that everyone just forces you to play the game.

I’ve spent hours crafting novels about my accomplishments only to have upper management veto anything above 2% per annum before, so I find it a si sy phean task.